All residents are welcome to attend! ECC meetings are a great opportunity to get involved in discussions and to share your thoughts and ideas on how to make Erskine a better place.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out via email or Facebook Messenger.
Renfrewshire Council will be holding a public consultation event on Thursday 30 May at Erskine Sports Centre from 2pm to 7pm.
Council officers have been working to develop proposals for public realm and greenspace enhancements as part of a review of the Centre Strategy for Erskine.
As part of this, they are holding a public consultation where residents can speak to officers about the plans and provide their feedback.
For members or residents who received an email from in the last 24 hours, we advise you not to click on it or any links it contains.
Renfrewshire Council are currently preparing a new Local Development Plan which will shape the council's areas of investment and focus in Renfrewshire over the next 10 years.
They have released 2 separate surveys to help inform the plan...